
Samsung said to adopt Sony OLED microdisplays in its upcoming VR headset

Samsung Electronics is developing a new high-end VR headset, likely aiming to release it by the end of 2024. According to reports, Samsung will integrate OLED microdisplays produced by Sony, similar 1.4″ 4K displays that are used by Apple in its Vision Pro headset.

Samsung Display is developing its own OLED microdisplays, and the company is looking to bring such displays to market soon – in fact initial production will begin by the end of 2024, and full mass production will be achieved in 2026. It is not clear whether this new Sony design win means that Samsung Electronics prefers the Sony displays over SDC’s, or whether it’s simply a matter of Samsung Display not ready in time for mass production. 



Samsung Display OLED microdisplay roadmap slide (2022-08)

In 2022 Samsung acquired US-based eMagin to accelerate its development and to take hold of eMagin’s advanced direct-emission microdisplay process, which will likely be a key part of Samsung’s technology roadmap. Samsung is also developing microLED microdisplays, but it believes that even in 3-4 years, microLED microdisplay technology will not be ready for real commercialization. In December 2023, Samsung Electronics decided that from now on, Samsung Display will handle all OLED microdisplay projects, while Samsung Semiconductor (SSI, or specifically, the Compound Semiconductor Solutions team) will handle all microLED microdisplay development.

Interested in learning more about the OLED microdisplay industry and market, the latest trends and future roadmaps? the OLED Toolbox is the easiest way to become an expert on OLED microdisplays, analyze all production lines – those currently in production and those at the construction and planning phase, see all microdisplays on the market in spreadsheets and much more.

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